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Plant Care

Caring for Your Plants Made Easy!

Keep your plants thriving with these helpful tips.


  • Water most of our plants 1-2 times a week. For a 6-inch potted plant, use about half a cup of water, and for an 8-inch potted plant, use 1 cup. Remember, it's always better to under-water than over-water.

Watering Tips

  • If the top inch of the soil feels dry, it's time to water.
  • Lift the plant: if it feels light, it needs water. If it's heavy, skip watering.
  • Curling leaves are a sign that the plant needs water.
  • If leaves are turning brown or yellow, adjust your watering schedule.
  • Don't let plants sit in standing water for too long—this can lead to root rot.
  • If a plant is very dry and droopy, give it a bottom soak. Place the pot in a saucer or bucket filled with water, allowing the plant to absorb water through the drainage holes for 20-30 minutes. Then remove it from the water.

Cleaning the Plants

  • Remove any fallen leaves from the soil to keep it tidy.
  • Trim off brown or yellow leaves to promote healthy growth.
  • Gently wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust and water spots, helping the plant absorb more light.

Pest Control

  • Check your plants weekly for common pests like spiders, gnats, aphids, and mealybugs.
  • Use a cloth to remove webs and keep an eye out for any insects.
  • If you find pests, isolate the plant from others and apply an appropriate insecticide as directed.
  • Ensure good air circulation and avoid overwatering to reduce the risk of pests.


  • If roots are growing out of the bottom of the pot, it’s time to repot the plant.
  • Steps to repot:
    • Choose a pot that is 2 inches larger than the current one.
    • Gently loosen the roots with your fingers or a stick to help them grow into the new soil.
    • If the new pot doesn’t have drainage holes, add a layer of small stones or rocks to the bottom for proper drainage.
    • Add a little fresh soil to the bottom of the pot before placing the plant.
    • Position the plant in the center of the new pot and fill in around it with fresh soil.
    • Leave about 1 cm of space between the top of the soil and the rim of the pot to prevent water from overflowing when you water.

Enjoy your thriving plants!